Our Journey may have started in 2015 but it was not until 2016 when we had purpose.
In February 2016, Adam became a dad to a wonderful daughter named Harper. Harper was born into this world with a variety of cardiac ailments ranging from congenital heart defect (CHD) with aortic stenosis, ASD, and Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. Harper had her first open heart valve replacement surgery at 3 weeks old.
It was a very touch and go time to become a parent to your first child. This lead Adam and family to stay at Children’s Minnesota Minneapolis for almost three months. This lead to time at the Ronald McDonald House campuses at Children’s Minneapolis as well as the RMHC campus at the University of Minnesota. Through the kindness given at RMHC, it was truly a saving grace both financially and mentally during Harper’s earliest battles.
While Harper was cleared of the hospital stay at Children’s, she will continue to have regular check ups, surgeries, and a team of varied specialists for the majority of her life. Adam felt that he had to give back in some way to repay the “karma” of kindness that was given to his daughter in her time of need.
This lead Ghostbusters North on the mission to help raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Upper Midwest.
What could make this mission better?
As Harper has gotten older and become aware of this mission, she too has taken it upon herself to suit up and join in on events to raise awareness and money when she is able to. This mission became a family affair which has made the effort all the more sweeter.